“CELCIT – Competences in e-Learning and Certification In Tourism” |
Grundtvig 2 Action - Agreement: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00283-1
The project aims to develop the European dimension of the training the trainers and to reduce the gap between the school education and the work market in particular in tourist sector. The learning partnership forecast working groups and meetings of trainers in order to:
identify training needs and exchange work experience necessary for developing a new professional role, namely that of "tourism development agent", and for ensuring training in giving worth and safeguarding cultural and environmental assets;
specify a common frame of reference on which to structure the legal recognition of qualifications founded on well identified competencies;
define the contents of an e-learning course that allows to get the competences of "tourism development agent";
enrich the professional and methodological competences of the adult educators in training in tourist sector to update to EU standard through the knowledge of new cultures and different didactic training methodologies;
identify and customize a web platform and insert in it the contents of the e-learning course;
submit a project proposal within Life Long Learning Programme aimed to build a portal for the training in e-learning mode of new vocational figures in tourism field. After the conclusion of this project the institutions in the partnership identified as suitable will provide the courses in their countries and will guarantee the tutoring;
inform and advise institutions, organisations and authorities involved in tourism teaching about the validity of such method and about the opportunity of implementing it in curricula;
to distribute the results through seminars, conferences and the web sites of the partners;
to develop Grundtvig 3 courses and seminars to introduce other teachers in the results of this project and in practice of training in e-learning modality.
The three-year project falls into a typology of “Learning Partnership”. Therefore it focuses on the process more then on the result and it’s aim is to establish cooperation among organisations working in the field of adult education in formal and not formal sectors. The main activities are addressed to teachers of adults. They include and are:
to identify, to analyse and to release the different methodologies and didactic practices used in the partners’ countries on adult education specially in tourist training field;
spotting the requested skills of a modern "tourism development agent";
definition of a common frame of reference on which to structure the legal recognition of qualifications founded on well identified competences;
writing of the contents of e-learning course for training a “Tourist Development Agent” with the necessary competences;
identifying the web based platform more apt to provide e-learning courses
to customize the web based platform and to fill it with contents in order to provide e-learning courses for training a “Tourist Development Agent”;
transnational meetings of partners to establish the working methodology, to exchange experiences, to analyze and to evaluate the work done;
to develop Grundtvig 3 courses and seminars to introduce other teachers the project ideas and results;
contacting and informing relevant teacher training institutions and schools from project member countries as well as other European countries;
holding an international conference for a wide audience of the project ideas and results with a public debate on the matter.
Ø the profile of a new professional role, namely that of "tourism development agent" published in the website of each partner institution;
Ø an e-learning course for training a “Tourist Development Agent” implemented in a web based platform;
Ø a new project within Life Long Learning Programme aimed to building of a portal for training -in e-learning modality - new professional figures in tourism sector;
Ø a network of institutions with adequate structures and competences able to deliver e-learning courses and to assure the tutoring;
Ø dissemination of the project ideas and results through Grundtvig 3 courses and seminars.
The project is carried out by a multinational partnership including institutions from four countries: Italy, Lithuania, Romania and Spain:
Kaunas College, Lithuania is one of the biggest state institutions, implementing higher non-university studies (full time, part time, evening classes) in Kaunas region. It has 5 faculties. More than 7500 students study under 41 study programs in fields of tourism, hospitality, business and law, health care, food industry, woodworking, IT, art, education, agriculture, etc. College has great experience in providing distance learning courses to students from other college departments, especially those in different cities. There is fully equipped distance learning centre, capable to ensure studies for more than 100 students at once. While participating in international and local level projects, college teachers have gained experience in preparing distance learning material for courses, including Tourism Management. Kaunas College have an wide experience in European projects, as partner or as promoter, it is involved in several Pilot and Mobility projects within Leonardo da Vinci Programme, Erasmus, IP e Socrates Grundtvig Action.
O.A.L.F.P.E Ayuntamiento de Ronda, Spain - The Local Autonomic Organism of Vocational Training and Employment Promotion is a Public authority created by the Ronda Town Council in 1999 to group the activities of employment promotion and job training and to co-ordinate human and material resources with other factors involved in local development. The institution has a Department of European project and another Department of Vocational training, in fact there are courses specialized in Training the trainers (Objective: Better teaching methods, techniques and criteria of the VET training body in Ronda and the surrounding area) and a course called “Tourist Development Agent“. The main objective of the VET program is to potentiate insertion and the re-insertion of youth, women, exclusion risk groups. OALFPE has participated in various European projects within Equal, Interreg III Programme and Socrates Grundtvig Action
Businessmen Association of Bucharest, Romania is a non-profit association and serves as a center of resource and services for the business area, especially for the SMEs (small and medium enterprises) with the usage of advanced educational technology based on sources offered by international distance education organizations and on already existing units in Romania, on the development of the self support systems and the usage of modern and efficient methods of on-line communication. The objectives of the association are the organization and implementation, on-line, of “The General Course on Intellectual Property’’ in business area; the building of a communication’s infrastructure with special equipment for video conferences, web portal, e-learning; the creation of specialists for research, testing and implementing of a methodological, technological and organizational system of distance learning for new highly specialised professional figures;
Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa – FENICE – Naples, Italy – a non-profit teacher association which supports any initiative favouring the integration of the intellectual resources of schools in the cultural growth of society, promotes and plans initiatives, training projects, refresher courses, the cultural improvement of teachers as well as research and experimentation in the teaching field, and takes part in the research and development of technologies aiming at making learning easier, education and vocational training more accessible thanks to the modern means of communication.